Behavioral Audit

Chapter 7, page 128.

This assessment will help you isolate which behaviors are generating the worst results, and give you a self-awareness that will help you on your way to permanent weight loss and control. Consider carefully each question below, and click the answer that best describes your individual behavior. Answer all fifteen questions.

1.You eat large amounts of food very fast in a short amount of time:
b.Sometimes, when you are rushed.
c.Most of the time, especially during the day.
d.Usually all the time; it is a habit.
2.You eat dessert or leftovers, even if you feel full after a meal:
b.Sometimes, especially when you feel like you have to for social reasons.
c.Most of the time, just because you like the taste.
d.Usually all the time; it is a habit.
3.You sneak food:
b.Sometimes, especially when you are bored or stressed.
c.Most of the time, sometimes out of spite.
d.Usually all the time, it is a habit.
4.During a normal day, you feel the urge to eat:
a.Only when it is mealtime.
b.Occasionally, especially when my day is stressful.
c.Most of the time, especially when someone talks about it.
d.All the time; you are constantly thinking about food.
5.Usually the duration of your meals is:
a.30 to 45 minutes.
b.15 to 30 minutes.
c.5 to 15 minutes.
d.You really do not take time for meals; you grab food when you can.
6.When a craving or urge to overeat a certain food comes over you, you usually:
a.Dismiss the thought because it will pass.
b.Purposely engage in a nonfood-reated activity or pastime.
c.Use a substitute food.
d.Give in to it.
7.You leave food on your plate:
c.Once in a while.
8.You typically eat large meals even if you are not hungry:
b.Usually at a friend or family member's insistence.
c.When you are depressed or anxious.
9.You watch TV or engage in other activities while eating:
c.More often than not.
d.Most of the time.
10.How many rooms of your home do you eat in?
d.More than three.
11.How many of your pleasurable activities center around food?
a.0 to 25 percent.
b.26 to 50 percent.
c.51 to 75 percent.
d.76 to 100 percent.
12.How often do you engage in behaviors such as binge eating or nighttime eating?
b.Some of the time.
13.With your meals, your portions are usually:
d.Large; plus you habitually have second helpings.
14.When you feel tired, you:
a.Lie down to rest, or take a nap.
b.Do nothing and hope it will pass.
c.Have a snack.
d.Binge on high-calorie, sugary foods.
15.When you have a meal, you thoroughly chew your food and savor each bite:
d.Never; it goes down too fast.

For each "a" checked, you are given a credit of 1; for each "b" checked, you are given no credit (0); for each "c" you are given one negative credit (-1); and for each "d" you are given two negative credits (-2). You score is the sum of these credits. You should have a total in a range from +15 to -30.

+5 to +15: A score in this range means that generally you behave in ways that are healthy and help you control your weight. You may have some behavioral habits that are changeworthy, however. You can identify these by reviewing answers in which you clicked "c" or "d". Keep reading and doing the important work found in this key, and you'll learn successful steps to help you take off pounds and better control your weight.
-5 to +4: This range suggests that you are demonstrating a pattern of behavior that, in a number of instances, runs counter to good weight control. You'll learn some remarkable tools here to help you get better results.
-15 to -6: A score in this range indicates that your behavioral habits are perpetuating your weight problem. You need to pay closer attention to your food and eating behaviors in order to make the substantial changes needed. Accept this challenge and do not give up on yourself.
-30 to -16: If your score falls in this range, you will have to start making significant turnabouts in how you interact with food if you want to experience the weight loss and control that come from healthy food and eating behaviors. Make a concerted effort to initiate change immediately.

Copyright 2003 by Phillip C. McGraw