For each "frequently" you checked, you are given 2 points; for each "occasionally," you are given 1 point; and for each "never," you are given 0 points. The total of your points gives a score in the range of 0 to 50. This is your "emotional eating" score.
This audit is designed to give you a quick snapshot of whether or not you are an emotional eater. If your overall score (your emotional eating score) is more than 35, it is likely that you have serious trouble with emotional eating, and regardless of what else is working, you must get the self-defeating nature of your emotions under control. If your score is between 15 and 35, you struggle with emotional eating at times, and you have room for improvement. There may be isolated areas, such as stress or depression, in which you can change.
Copyright 2003 by Phillip C. McGraw