Panorama Pictures

7490 x 1452 6,384KB 9/15/2004 10:36 AM AlexandriaBay.JPG
Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands. Boldt Castle.

4892 x 1490 4,830KB 9/08/2004 02:37 PM Bingo.JPG
Playing Bingo for Bloody Marys in the dining room.

7186 x 2031 7,886KB 9/16/2004 09:21 AM BoatMuseum1.JPG
The Antique Boat Museum in Clayton. North view.

5188 x 1577 5,292KB 9/16/2004 09:24 AM BoatMuseum2.JPG
The Antique Boat Museum in Clayton. South view.

6165 x 1355 5,009KB 9/12/2004 08:11 AM Buffalo1.JPG
View Southeast, off the bow, of Buffalo.

5447 x 1455 4,516KB 9/12/2004 08:12 PM Buffalo2.JPG
View Southwest of the waters of Buffalo.

7013 x 1346 5,795KB 9/12/2004 07:44 PM Buffalo3.JPG
East Buffalo.

4014 x 1448 3,295KB 9/12/2004 07:46 PM Buffalo4.JPG
North Buffalo.

4189 x 1398 3,895KB 9/06/2004 01:16 PM FireEquipment.JPG
Manistee Fire Department.

3732 x 1455 3,623KB 9/16/2004 09:48 AM FortPlayground.JPG
Playground in Clayton.

1923 x 2078 2,207KB 9/09/2004 04:53 PM FordTower.JPG
The Ford Museum tower.

4395 x 1428 3,564KB 9/11/2004 11:45 AM LakeEntry.JPG
Entering Presque Isle Bay off of Lake Erie. City of Erie.

3232 x 1403 2,656KB 9/07/2004 07:10 AM MacinacBridge1.JPG
Just passed under the Macinac Bridge.

5460 x 1357 3,968KB 9/07/2004 04:56 PM MacinacDeparture.JPG
Leaving Macinac Isand.

5792 x 1500 4,756KB 9/12/2004 11:37 AM NiagaraFalls0.JPG
Niagara Falls, Canadian side near the Horseshoe Falls.

5293 x 1496 3,958KB 9/12/2004 12:03 PM NiagaraFalls1.JPG
Niagara Falls, Canadian side near the Rainbow Bridge.

8570 x 1624 7,790KB 9/12/2004 02:05 PM NiagaraFalls2.JPG
Niagara Falls, American side. Sweep of the river.

7061 x 1581 5,990KB 9/12/2004 02:07 PM NiagaraFalls3.JPG
Niagar Falls, American side. The American Falls.

4163 x 1378 3,251KB 9/20/2004 04:21 PM RainaBedroom.JPG
Raina's bedroom in her New York apartment.

3663 x 1451 3,125KB 9/04/2004 06:31 PM ShipInChicago.JPG
The Ship at Navy Pier, Saturday evening.

1959 x 2199 2,737KB 9/06/2004 02:07 PM TheatreCeiling.JPG
A restored theatre in Manistee. Ceiling design.

360 degree Picture

13898 x 1910 17,001KB 9/07/2004 01:55 PM MacinacDock.JPG
Standing on a dock of Macinac Island. 360-view.