Welcome to Jeff Kaylin's Quilt Block Page

This quilt block consists of 14 pieces.

The pieces are constructed on a 9 by 9 grid.

Coloring of these shapes gives many pictures.

Bones 2x2




Sun & Moon 3x3

Hearts & Arrow 2x2


The tricky part is that funny angle.
But, if you look closely, you can see that for
every 2 measures up, it goes 1 measure in.

So, I call them "ears" and here is how to cut them:

Green = cutting board
Red = 45
° ruler
White = "head" cloth strip
sewn onto
Blue = "ear" cloth strip
Black = outline of finished piece.

First, sew cloth strips of the two colors together.
Then lay the new strip horizontally on the cutting board.
The pattern may be placed onto the 45
° ruler.
It will need to be flipped over to make the matching pair.
Place the pattern to provide for a seam allowance.
Place the 45
° ruler so that the pattern dividing line
is on the seam between the two strips.
You may notice that one side of the 45
° ruler lines up
with the grid going one step horizontal to two steps
vertical, as the other side lines up with the grid going
one step horizontal to three steps vertical.
Now, cut, cut, and slide. Or, cut, cut, flip, slide, etc.


Here is a video on how you may assemble the block.
Green = cutting board
Seam Allowances are shown in a lighter color.

e-mail Jeff Kaylin

Wow! How did you find this page? And are you really thinking of using this block? E-mail me at the link above.