05/06/24 List of "Last lines" from short stories.
Link under Where To Start
10/09/15 Comcast pages seem to be going away...
07/13/14 New "Books I Should Like To Have Written" from Sunday Magazine Of the Boston Sunday Post Part 5 (November 11, 1906)
11/13/13 Added many stories from newspapers. The Links.
01/15/13 Changed to HTML5: Header is cleaner. name= attribute (for linking within a page) went to id=.
01/14/13 Changed <big> to <b> (one case) and <dir> to <blockquote> (three cases) in preparation to convert all to HTML5.
11/29/12 Proof-read entire site, again, maybe for the last time. 5 changes (in short stories)
07/06/12 Changed the <br> of <p><br> to <br></p> of the previous paragraph; as Kindle indents paragraphs, but not breaks.
06/16/12 New "New England in the Short Story" from The Atlantic Monthly Vol. LXVII No. 404 (June, 1891)
10/05/10 Proof-read the collected stories. Also the pre-collected and uncollected short-stories
07/06/10 New "Juliza" from Two Tales Vol. 1 No. 1 (March 12, 1892)
06/30/10 New "Serena Ann" from Short Stories Vol. LXVIII No. 1 (January, 1895)
04/02/10 New Poems. Reorganized Poems. Further documentation.
02/05/10 New The Tauchnitz Edition of "Pembroke" (1894)
12/30/09 New "The Little Green Door" from The New York Times April 13-15, 1896
12/29/09 New "Other People's Cake" from Collier's Vol. XLII No. 9 (November 21, 1908)
12/05/09 New "Knitting Susan" from Youth's Companion Vol. 66 No. 1 (January 5, 1893)
11/28/09 New "Thankful" from Harper's Young People Vol. XII No. 578 (November 25, 1890)
11/27/09 New "A Rose of Summer" from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Vol. LXXVII No. 1977 (August 3, 1893)
11/22/09 New "The Old Man of the Field" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XLIII No. 5 (May, 1916)
11/22/09 New "The Flowering Bush" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XLV No. 4 (April, 1918)
11/18/09 New "A Sweet-Grass Basket" From Harper's Young People Vol. XI No. 563 (August 12, 1890)
11/18/09 New "The Lost Ghost" From Everybody's Magazine Vol. VIII No. 5 (May, 1903)
11/15/09 New "The Boomerang" From Pictorial Review Vol. XVIII No. 6 (March, 1917)
11/15/09 New "The Cautious King, and the All-round Wise Woman" From Harper's Weekly Vol. LIII No. 2740 (June 26, 1909)
11/15/09 New "Joy" From Harper's Weekly Vol. XLVII No. 2451 (December 12, 1903)
11/15/09 New "The Saving of Hiram Sessions" From Pictorial Review Vol. XVI No. 8 (May, 1915)
11/11/09 New "Seventoes' Ghost" from Harper's Young People Vol. X No. 519 (October 8, 1889)
11/11/09 New "A Parsnip Stew" from Harper's Young People Vol. X No. 502 (June 11, 1889)
11/11/09 New "An Old Valentine" from The Home-Maker Vol. III No. 5 (February, 1890)
11/11/09 New "The Clock", "The Pearl Princess", and "Superiority". Poems. In Prose.
11/05/09 New "Sarah Edgewater from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XLIII No. 2 (February, 1916)
10/30/09 New "Eliza Sam" from Short Story Masterpieces (Jamieson-Higgins Co.; Chicago: 1900)
10/30/09 New "Flora and Hannah" from Short Story Masterpieces (Jamieson-Higgins Co.; Chicago: 1900)
10/30/09 New "A New-Year's Resolution" from Short Story Masterpieces (Jamieson-Higgins Co.; Chicago: 1900)
10/26/09 New "A Discovered Pearl" from Harper's Weekly Vol. XXXI No. 1617 (December 17, 1887)
10/26/09 New "The Twelfth Guest" from Woman's Home Journal Vol. XXXII No. 2 (February, 1908)
10/22/09 New "Her Christmas" from Harper's Bazaar Vol. XLII No. 12 (December 1908)
10/03/09 Proof-read "An Alabaster Box 1917
09/21/09 Proof-read "The Yates Pride 1912
09/21/09 Proof-read "The Butterfly House 1912
09/15/09 Proof-read "The Green Door" 1910
09/14/09 New "D. J.: A Christmas Story" From The Mail and Express Illustrated Saturday Magazine (December 5, 1903)
09/13/09 Proof-read "The Shoulders of Atlas"
09/12/09 New "The Steeple" From Hampton-Columbian Vol. XXVII No. 4 (October, 1911)
08/28/09 Proof-read "By the Light of the Soul"
06/26/09 Proof-read "Doc. Gordon"
06/17/09 Proof-read "The Debtor"
05/22/09 Proof-read "The Portion of Labor"
New Photo with Commentary (in About) From Harper's Weekly Vol. XLIX No. 2558 (December 30, 1905)
New "A Slayer of Serpents" From Collier's Vol. XXXXIV No. ?? (March 19, 1910)
* Thanks to Andrew Sly *
03/05/09 Proof-read "The Heart's Highway"
02/13/09 Proof-read "Evelina's Garden"
02/06/09 Proof-read "The Jamesons"
New "A Kitchen Colonel" From The Golden Book Magazine Vol. X No. 56 (August, 1929)
01/27/09 Proof-read "Jerome"
New "Miss Wilkins's Madelon" From Atlantic Monthly Vol. LXXVIII No. CCCCLXVI (August, 1896) in About the Author
New "About Hannah Stone" From Everybody's Magazine Vol. IV No. 17 (January, 1901)
09/22/08 Proof-read "Madelon"
New "An Easter-Card" from Everybody's Magazine Vol. IV No. 20 (April, 1901)
New "The Steeple" from The People's Popular Monthly Vol. XIX No. 7 (July, 1914)
07/18/08 Proof-read "Comfort Pease"
07/14/08 Proof-read "Pembroke"
06/11/08 Proof-read "Giles Corey, Yeoman
06/08/08 Proof-read "Jane Field"
New "The Fourth Little Boy" From Wide Awake Vol. 34 No. 1 (December, 1891) in Prose
New "Mary E. Wilkins At Home" From Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly Vol. L No. 3 (July, 1900)
New "Does a Clever Man Need a Clever Woman?" From The Delineator Vol. LXXII No. 1 (July, 1908)
New "Billetta" From Little Folks Vol. XXVI No. 4 (February, 1923)
December 31, 2007 -- Released version 3.0 of the website.
New "Serena Ann's First Valentine" From The Pocket Magazine Vol. III No. 6 (April, 1897)
New "Wake Up, America!" From America in the War. The Century Co., New York, 1918. In Prose.
New "The Bright Side" From Harper's Magazine Vol. CXLVI No. DCCCLXXV (April, 1923)
New Review of The Portion of Labor in The Saturday Evening Post (January 18, 1902) in About.
New poem "Morning Light" From Harper's Magazine Vol. CXLII No. 847 (December, 1920) in Prose.
New a "Where to Start?" section. My suggestions.
New a "You Can Help" section. Can you find these stories?
New "Other Peoples' Cake" From Cassell's Magazine Vol. XLVII No. 1 (December, 1908)
New "A Silver Sloop in the Sky" From Harper's Young People Vol. VIII No. 415 (October 11, 1887) in Prose
New "The Fish of Gold That Sang" From Harper's Young People Vol. IX No. 421 (November 22, 1887) in Prose
Removed references to the collections from 1997 and 2000
New "The Lost Book" from Book Culture Vol. I No. 7 (September, 1899)
New a lot of stories from Harper's Bazar. Look under "From Periodicals"
New "Two Little Green Doors" from New York Times (Mar 5, 1911) and (Apr 9, 1911) in "About the Author"
New "Sweet-Williams" from Harper's Bazar Vol. 28 No. 21 (May 25, 1895)
New "All in the Town of Vanity" from Harper's Bazar Vol. 21 No. 34 (August 25, 1888) in "Prose"
Proof-reading of the Short-story Collections is Complete! (up to 1927)
Proof-reading of the Novels is Complete!
Well, sort of complete. As they are prepared for Project Gutenberg, there may be more changes.
Update: I've got a Third Edition "Cinnamon Roses" book, and it was published in 1908. So, this is taking precedence over the book without a publishing date, suspected to be in the 1910's.
New "Some Representative American Story Tellers" from The Bookman Vol. XXIV (September, 1906)
New "A Study In China" from Harper's Bazar Vol. XX No. 45 (November 5, 1887)
New Introduction to The Revolt of “Mother” From A Library of the World's Best Literature Ancient and Modern Vol. XXXIX. (The International Society, New York: 1897)
New "A Protracted Meeting" from The Housewife Vol. 6, No. 10. (February 1891)
New Editor's Study from Harper's Monthly Magazine Volume 102 Issue 610 (March 1901) in "About the Author"
New Autographs from Hobbies — The Magazine for Collectors Vol. 60, No. 9 (November, 1955) in "About the Author"
New "John Henry" from Harper's Round Table Vol. XVIII No. 895 (December 22, 1896)
New "The Blue Butterfly" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. 40 No. 1 (January 1913)
New "When Sereny Maria Went To School" from The Youth's Companion Vol. 73 No. 46 (Boston: November 16, 1899)
New "A Hand-Made Village" from The Youth's Companion Vol. 81 No. 48 (Boston: November 28, 1907)
New "The Butterfly House" posted to Project Gutenberg, April 12, 2006
New "An Alabaster Box" posted to Project Gutenberg, April 10, 2006
New "The School-Teacher's Story" from The American Woman Vol XXVII No 1 (June 1917)
New "The Dresden Vase" from The American Woman Vol XXXI No 9 (February 1922)
New "Emancipation" from Harper's Magazine Vol CXXXII No DCCLXXXVII (December 1915)
New "An Old Valentine" from The American Woman Vol XXVI No 9 (February 1917)
New "People Talked About" from Leslie's Weekly Volume LXXX No 2076 (June 27, 1895) in "About the Author"
Added a photo in the "About the Author" page.
New "Miss Wilkins: An Idealist in Masquerade" from The Atlantic Monthly (May 1899) in "About the Author"
New "Starlight" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XXXV No. 12 (December 1908)
New "The Auction" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XXXVI No. 10 (October 1909)
New "Two Boys","Baby's Footprint", "Once Upon A Time", and "Sweetheart's Lesson" in Prose and Poetry
New "Fighting McLeans" from The Delineator Vol. LXXV No. 2 (February 1910)
New "Honorable Tommy" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XLIII No. 12 (December 1916)
New "The Return" from Woman's Home Companion Vol. XLVIII No. 8 (August 1921)
New "Seventy Years Ago in New England" from The Youth's Companion Vol. 72 No. 47 (November 24, 1898 Boston)
This section is new! as is the "About the Author" and "Project Gutenberg"